Serinyadell projectile point

MACB 329-306
Object type projectile point
Culture/period Prehistory
Materials flint
Technique carving
Production date -18000 / -15000
Museum Museu Arqueològic Comarcal de Banyoles
Current location
Archaeological site Cova del Reclau Viver
Township Serinyà
Dimensions 60 x 18 x 4 mm
Flint point, with flat retouching on both sides, therefore described as bifacial, and finished with an offset peduncle that gives it a characteristic asymmetric appearance. The relative abundance of these objects in the Reclau caves (Reclau Viver, Arbreda and Davant Pau), has made them known as Serinyadell points, although several very morphologically similar objects are known in the Cantabrian area and in southwest France. In origin, these implements were fixed to a shaft and it is thought they were used as projectile points for hunting. They are representative of the Solutrean period.
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© Museu Arqueològic Comarcal de Banyoles
Omeka ID 3549