oak sickle

MACB 881-007
Object type sickle
Culture/period Prehistory
Materials wood
Technique carving
Production date -5400 / -4900
Museum Museu Arqueològic Comarcal de Banyoles
Current location
Archaeological site Poblat neolític de la Draga
Township Banyoles
Dimensions 290 x 145 x 20 mm
Tool made of oak wood that has a curved bevelled cutting edge, with visible traces of use. It was held by a circular cross-section handle, finished with a rounded knob. It is a unique object, without known parallels in the European Neolithic, which must have been used to uproot or mow herbaceous plants, perhaps rushes or other shore or wetland plants. Although it has often been called an axe, it must actually be considered a variant of sickle. It was the first wooden tool found in La Draga, in 1995.
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© Museu Arqueològic Comarcal de Banyoles
Omeka ID 3555