bone arrowhead

MACB 337-129
Object type arrowhead
Culture/period Prehistory
Materials bone
Technique carving
Production date -2200 / -1800
Museum Museu Arqueològic Comarcal de Banyoles
Current location
Archaeological site Cova de les Encantades de Martís
Township Esponellà
Dimensions 41 x 10 x 4 mm
Stylized bone arrowhead, with well-marked barbs and a rectilinear tang that allowed it to be fixed to a shaft. This piece dates back to the early Bronze Age and was deposited with the grave goods in the collective burial cave of Encantades de Martís, where also, corresponding to the same period, numerous beads and objects of adornment were recovered, several ceramic vessels and other hunting and fishing utensils, including a bone harpoon and arrow heads in both bone and flint.
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© Museu Arqueològic Comarcal de Banyoles
Omeka ID 3559