
MAC GIR-000018
Object type lekythos
Culture/period Colonisations
Materials pottery
Technique wheel-thrown
Production date -600 / -401
Current location MASPG
Archaeological site Empúries
Township Escala, l' (Europa, Espanya, Catalunya, Girona, Alt Empordà)
Dimensions 160 x 34 (Ø) x 47 (Ø) x41 (Ø) mm
Attic lekythos with black figures. It is a cylindrical container with discoidal foot, and a narrow and long neck. The mouth has a funnel shape and has a vertical handle. This type of recipient used to contain perfumes and usually appears in funeral contexts. It comes from one of the Greek necropolises at Empúries (L'Escala, Alt Empordà) and is dated in the 6th-5th centuries BC. The scene represented on the lekythos is a chariot, with a female character about to climb into it. It is possibly Ariadne. In front of the chariot, a character who wears a himation is sitting in a chair. In the background, behind the chariot, are Apollo with a lyre and Dionysus, bearded and with a horn in his hand.
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Omeka ID 3141