mortar bombs and cannon shells

MAC CASC 19973, MAC CASC 19945
Object type mortar bombs and cannon shells
Culture/period Contemporary
Materials iron
Production date 1813
Museum Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - CASC
Current location
Archaeological site Deltebre I
Township Deltebre (Europa, Espanya, Catalunya, Tarragona, Baix Ebre)
Dimensions 245 mm, 130 mm, 130 mm
These mortar bombs and cannon shells are hollow inside. As you can see in the picture, they have a hole where they are filled with gunpowder and then covered with a fuse so that when fired, after a time delay, they explode, scattering the shrapnel. The aim was to wreak havoc on the enemy or to cause great damage to the walls of a fortification when they embedded themselves in it.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - CASC
Omeka ID 3113