| Arqueoxarxa"> | Arqueoxarxa" /> | Arqueoxarxa" /> safa amb inscripció "al-Mulk" - Arqueoxarxa

vessel with inscription "al-Mulk"

Object type vessel
Fabric Islamic green glaze and manganese
Culture/period Andalusian culture
Materials pottery
Technique wheel-thrown
Production date 1000 / 1099
Current location Reserves
Archaeological site Pla d'Almatà
Township Balaguer (Europa, Espanya, Catalunya, Lleida, Noguera)
Dimensions 17 x 65 mm
Fragment of the base of a basin with an annular ledge, fired in an oxidising atmosphere, with a reddish fabric and fine inclusions. The outer surface is glazed in a monochrome honey-colour. In the interior, on a white slip, decoration with manganese oxide represents an epigraphic motif corresponding to the Arabic term mulk, which means power, referring to God's power.
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© Museu de la Noguera
Omeka ID 356