Bacchic herm

MB 17655
Object type sculpture
Culture/period Roman world
Materials Giallo antico marble
Technique sculpting
Production date 1 / 100
Current location Exposició permanent
Archaeological site Ciutat romana de Baetulo. Lateral C-31
Township Badalona (Europa, Espanya, Catalunya, Barcelona, Barcelonès)
Dimensions 21 x 14,3 x 4,5 cm
This sculpture shows us the face of the god Bacchus, with long curly hair and beard, eyes marked with deep furrows and marked eyebrows. He wears a flower headband. It is made of a yellow marble called Giallo Antico, from the imperial quarry of Chemtou, in present-day Tunisia. It stands out for the delicacy of the relief and the orientalizing style. Most likely, it was made in a specialized workshop in the central Mediterranean, copying or taking inspiration from a Hellenistic piece. These types of sculptures, called herms, were not free-standing pieces, but heads or busts sculpted on one side with a smooth back. They were normally inserted into a pilaster or formed part of a wall decoration. In this case, it has been possible to document remains of lime and paint that would confirm its insertion in a wall. These pieces decorated various spaces of the domus, as we see in Empúries and Tarragona, but also shops, as we see in Pompeii. For their owners, they had magical-religious powers to ward off bad luck and bring good luck and wealth in every way to the owners of the house.
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© Museu de Badalona
Omeka ID 1906