Iberian skyphos

MACB 333-121
Object type skyphos
Fabric common Iberian oxidized pottery
Culture/period Protohistoria y mundo íbero
Materials pottery
Technique wheel-thrown
Production date -350 / -200
Museum Museu Arqueològic Comarcal de Banyoles
Current location
Archaeological site Mas Castell
Township Porqueres
Dimensions 190 x 180 mm
Cup of common Iberian ware. It is deep with a low foot, out-turned rim and opposite horizontal handles that are slightly raised. This is an imitation of a Greek skyphos, which were used for drinking and were widely accepted in the Iberian world. However, the cup also displays formal features that are clearly indigenous, such as the biconical profile of the body. It comes from the Mas Castell de Porqueres site, an Iberian village located on a small hill on the shore of Lake Banyoles.
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© Museu Arqueològic Comarcal de Banyoles
Omeka ID 3567