lord of horses, Despot Hippo

MAC BCN-019892
Object type bas-relief
Culture/period Protohistory and Iberian world
Materials limestone
Technique bas-relief
Production date -300 / -100
Current location Reserva provisonal
Archaeological site Villaricos
Township Cuevas del Almanzora (Europa, Espanya, Andalusia, Almeria)
Dimensions 310 x 380 x 180 mm
Bas-relief from Villaricos (Cuevas del Almanzora, Low Almanzora, Almeria), dated between the third and second centuries BC, which shows the Iberian Despotés Híppôn. It is sculpted in a square limestone block. The god is represented from the front, sitting on a chair and holding the muzzles of two horses standing on their hind legs, each with one hand. The details of the mouth, eyes and hair of the god were highlighted with incisions, like the eyes and mane of the horse. Despotés Hippôn or ""Lord/Tamer of horses"" is one of the few deities known to have been worshipped by the Iberians, and characteristic of south-eastern Spain. Most representations, like this one from Villaricos, appear in open spaces outside the towns, places where they possibly bred horses. This animal symbolized the status of Iberian elites. NICOLINI, G. 1973, Les Ibères, art et civilisation, Fayard, Paris. EIROA, J.J. 1988, Los relieves del Potnios Hippôn de Lorca (Murcia), Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie II, Hª Antigua, t. I, 105-115.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Barcelona
Omeka ID 2553