stele representing an armed rider with spears

MAC BCN-019880
Object type stele
Culture/period Protohistory and Iberian world
Materials sandstone
Technique carving
Production date -200 / -50
Current location Exposició permanent
Archaeological site Sant Antoni de Calaceit
Township Calaceit (Europa, Espanya, Aragó, Terol)
Dimensions 1700 x 400 x 200 mm
Decorated stele from Santa Ana formed from three fragments. Ornamentation is framed by a border formed by two parallel incised lines and an element that remains in the upper right side and that originally defined the perimeter. Two zigzag lines forming a rhombus are arranged inside the border. Within this, the space is divided into six areas. Rows of spearheads in the upper and lower areas. The two central fields are the most important. At the top there is a horseman carrying an oval shield, while the bottom is quite damaged and the decorative motif is difficult to define, although some geometric elements and an unidentified representation can be discerned. The stele was found by a farmer in the course of agricultural work on a farm near the road from Calaceite to the chapel of Santa Ana. The stele was fragmented and was accompanied by other stone remains, like spindle whorls, loom weights, pottery urns with cremated bones etc., and therefore it seems to be a funerary context. BOSCH GIMPERA, P. 1913-1914: Campanya arqueologica de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans al limit de Catalunya i Aragó (Caseres, Calaceit, Maçalió), Anuari del Institut d'Estudis Catalans 5, 819-838. Cita: 827, fi g. 50. CABRÉ, J. 1915-1920, Esteles ibèriques ornamentades del Baix Aragó, Anuari del Institut d'Estudis Catalans 6, 629-641. Cita: 630. FERNÁNDEZ FUSTER, L. 1951, Las estelas ibéricas del Bajo Aragón, Seminario de Arte Aragonés, Zaragoza. Cita: 66, n.º 6, lám. 4. MARCO, F. 1978, Las estelas decoradas de los conventos Caesaraugustano y Cluniense, Institución Fernando el Católico, Zaragoza. Cita: 205, II. D.1, fi g. 36 SIMÓN CORNAGO, I. 2012, Nota sobre una estela ibérica duplicada (Calaceite, Teruel), Trabajos de Prehistoria 69 (nº 1), 171-176.
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Omeka ID 2550