patera, umbilicate fish phiale

MAC BCN-019446
Object type patera
Culture/period Protohistory and Iberian world
Materials silver
Technique casting, incising, appliques
Production date -250 / -195
Current location Exposició permanent
Archaeological site Castellet de Banyoles
Township Tivissa (Europa, Espanya, Catalunya, Tarragona, Ribera d'Ebre)
Dimensions 30 x 131 mm
Phiale or ritual patera of silver and silver gilt with a scene from the seabed around the central plain omphalos. The base of the omphalos is highlighted by a cord. From here until the middle of the patera a nice decorative motif is framed by two borders. The motif is composed of interwoven spiral lines inspired by plants with other elements. The other half of the piece, until the rim, has two fish on one side and on the other, both groups separated by winding elements that have been identified as octopuses. Different elements have been studied with the technique of embossing and gold on them. The scene represents the microcosm of the sea, fish and plants in motion. The fish in the Mediterranean and the Iberian world in general relate to the gods of the underworld. These gods will serve them in their relationships with humans. It is dated between the years 250 / 225-195 BC and is part of the Treasure of Tivissa, a generic name covering different finds. This piece along with the other three phiales, a hemispherical decorated cup, ritual goblet vessels, torque and a spiral bracelet with the representation of a snake was found in 1927 in the Iberian town of Castellet de Banyoles. The set presents a marked sense of the funerary realm and the Afterworld, being an exponent of the symbolic elements of the elites, related to the recently-located urban sanctuary. ARANEGUI GASCÓ, C., MOHEN, JEAN P. i ROUILLARD, P. 1998, Els ibers, prínceps d'occident. Catàleg de l'exposició. Fundació la Caixa, Barcelona. Núm. Catàleg 247. MONEO, T. 2003, Religio iberica. Santuarios, ritos y divinidades (siglos VII-I a.C.), Bibliotheca Archaeologica Hispana 20, Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid. Pàg. 211.Fig. IV.78. OLMOS, R. 1996, Las incertidumbres de los lenguajes iconográficos: las páteras de plata ibéricas, Coloquio Internacional: Iconografía ibérica, iconografía itálica: Propuestas de interpretación y lectura (Roma 11-13 novembre 1993), Madrid, UAM, 91-102. Pàg. 98, Fig. 3 & 4. SERRA RÀFOLS, J. C. 1941, El poblado ibérico del Castellet de Banyoles, Ampurias 3, 15-34. Pàg. 30-31, Làm. X.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Barcelona
Omeka ID 2636