soapstone necklace

MAC GIR-041481
Object type soapstone necklace
Materials soapstone
Technique carving, polishing
Production date -3500 / -2200
Current location MASPG
Archaeological site Dolmen de Puig Roig o Cementiri dels Moros
Township Torrent (Europa, Espanya, Catalunya, Girona, Baix Empordà)
Dimensions 240 x 18 x 6 (Ø màx.) x 1,5 ( Ø mìn. ) mm
Soapstone necklace recreated with some of the 669 beads that appeared in the dolmen of Puig Roig, also called the Moors Cemetery (Torrent, Baix Empordà), dated in the late Neolithic-Chalcolithic, between 3300-2200 BC. The Moors Cemetery is a passage covered with mound, a collective grave that contained between 100 and 130 bodies, which has yielded the most abundant archaeological materials associated with a megalith in the Girona region.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Girona
Omeka ID 3226