
MAC CASC 19968
Object type syringe
Culture/period Contemporary
Materials bronze
Production date 1813
Museum Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - CASC
Current location
Archaeological site Deltebre I
Township Deltebre (Europa, Espanya, Catalunya, Tarragona, Baix Ebre)
Dimensions 116 x 31 x 24 mm
Syringe from the wreck Deltebre I, which was part of the surgical instruments used on the ship to treat sick or wounded sailors and soldiers. There was usually a doctor on board on the ships, although the position of the barber-surgeon used to be more frequent. Instruments were available in the “surgery boxes” to treat wounds, such as scalpels, scissors, forceps, fracture immobilisers, amputation saws, forceps, metal catheters, etc.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - CASC
Omeka ID 3068