square mouth glass

MAC BCN-016401
Object type vessel
Culture/period Prehistory
Materials pottery
Technique handmade
Production date -4200 / -3200
Current location Exposició permanent
Archaeological site Bóbila de Can Torrens. Sepulcre II.
Township Montornès del Valles (Europa, Espanya, Catalunya, Barcelona, Vallès Oriental)
Dimensions 180 x 90 mm
Ceramic recipient with a square mouth that was recovered in a pit tomb together with a long bone awl, three variscite beads, two flint blades and two arrowheads with a tang. The site where these artefacts were founf is called Can Torrents, a brickyard where three pit tombs were excavated. Many of the square mouth recipients found in the Iberian Peninsula were located in Catalonia. Although these finds have parallels with the Neolithic Lagozza culture in northern Italy, they retain some traits that differ in the shapes and lack of decorations. All these features suggest a local production of a foreign ceramic type, which implies the circulation either of ideas or of human groups.
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